We have an entirely perfect and healthy baby boy that kicked and squirmed his way through our ultrasound!  What a relief it was to walk out of the hospital and know that for today – everything is okay.  I would have loved to find out we were having a boy or a girl, but there is something so wonderfully sweet about having a baby boy this time around. 

It was Thanksgiving in 2009, just over a month after we learned that Thomn’s dad’s cancer was back and that he didn’t have that much time left with us.  Throughout the entire time that Thomn and I had been together, his dad was always someone that I deeply respected and very much grew to love as a dad of my own.  We spent that Thanksgiving in their little cabin in the mountains of Kentucky and at some point, we started talking about the family that Thomn and I would someday have. During that conversation, I promised his dad that I would keep the family tradition alive, and if we were to ever have a boy, that he would be named after Thomn, his dad, and his grandpa.  It feels good to be able to keep this promise, and yesterday, for just a moment, it felt like his dad was back with us.

Thomn and Tom

T4, I can’t wait to see your beautiful profile in person and snuggle you until my heart bursts.

About author / Christina

Welcome to the room with the view of my heart.  I am a 30 something mom that tried for years to have a baby…YEARS.  I endured heartache and pain as time moved on and left me without a baby to hold at night.  Somehow along the way I decided that constant loss was not going to define me and that there is so much more to who I am.  Together with my partner, I take on every day life with love, passion, and a whole lot of smart ass comments.